Thursday, June 19, 2008

Care planning meeting

Rick and I attended my care plan/discharge meeting today. At this meeting all those involved in your care discuss progress or issues. The social worker is there, the nurse is there, and of course the therapist. They indicated that they feel that there is still opportunity for improvement, that they have seen definite progress and that they feel that I am putting forth appropriate effort.

With the insurance company approving continued rehab on a weekly basis it’s always possible that I could actually have 48 hours notice that it will be time to go home. To that end, we have scheduled a home assessment for next week assuming we’re able to get a ramp constructed in time. This visit would entail Rick picking me up in our car and going over to the house. Rehab center staff would be with us and they would asses the appropriateness of the house layout.

Rick and I had the opportunity at the care planning meeting to ask any questions that we had and the staff was able to provide all the answers that we needed.

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