Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday 5/28/08

Today has been a slow day so far: Radiation treatment hasn’t taken place yet and PT hasn’t been in yet, so it looks like it will be an ugly afternoon. But I had an incredibly pleasant surprise when John Rosen, a co-worker from the Omni Buyer Implementations, popped in for a visit from Salt Lake. He flew here last night just to visit me and flew home – just amazing. We had a wonderful time reminiscing about the project and funny stories along the way.

A urologist has been in to discuss urology therapy since I’m still having difficulty with passing urine. I had a comfortable night and rested well. I’m certainly keeping up on the painkillers and I don’t have much to report. We’re still trying to decide whether I need to continue rehab here because of the radiation or go to a rehab facility – that’s still up in the air right now.

I’m continuing to get lots of comments from people from all over, and people are signing up for the blog, which is greatly appreciated. I just continue to be grateful for all the thoughts and prayers that are coming my way. Right now, many posts come from my blog labeled anonymous, and I don’t know who is making the comment unless there is a name at the end of the posting. So names would be most appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will certainly have you in my prayers to the Greatest Healer of all. This will just have to go down as a great inconvenience. This too will pass.
Take care.
Donna W (Providence Hospital, DC)