Thursday, May 29, 2008

Triggered memories

I have received a number of beautiful flower arrangements from my office and from friends across the country but the flowers that have flooded me with wonderful memories are some gardenias that our good friends Mike and Mike brought in from their back yard at the beach. They have a huge gardenia bush that is covered with large blossoms and they brought me a jar with four or five enormous gardenias. The fragrance of them has triggered memories of Grandmother Cronise's garden and of my mother's gardenia bushes on our front porch when I was a child. Whenever Grandmother would go to the Belair market she always wore fresh flowers in her hair and this was a precious memory to come back to me today. I have a small fan sitting on my bedside table and it is wafting the most glorious gardenia scent across my bed.

The nurse brought in some graham crackers as a snack today and I have not had graham crackers in years. But they tasted so good that they reminded me of Miss Lockhart's class and the breaks we had in kindergarten. We would have graham crackers when we woke up from our naps there.

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