Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We're home

It was a long day. Rick came over early to take as many items home as possible.

Discharge planning with nursing took some time to run through.

By 3 pm we were on our way home. Thanks to Chuck for helping us with the transition.

When I arrived home, the beautiful signs you see at the end of this entry were waiting for me. Thanks to Scott and Leslie for that.

Changing the den to my room worked out very well. It is comfortable and beautiful.

The rest of the day we got settled in. Home care stopped in for an initial visit.

Therapy will likely be here tomorrow.

I know I was apprehensive about today, but it turned out as well as it could. I'm home and about to turn in for a good nights sleep in my own house surrounded by those that love me.

Once again, Rick has done an amazing job. His strength inspires me.


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Anonymous said...

Hey Barry! This is Kas. Welcome home! Just wanted you to know how much I'm enjoying reading your blog (you're quite the writer; who knew??). I also enjoyed reading about out escapades in New York and will always remember Bobby Short and the Carlye. I am in awe of your spirit and strength, and amazed at the friends, love and support you have. You rock!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Barry!




Anonymous said...

Barry -

So glad that you're home. It's easy to tell from your blog that you love being there.

BTW, the signs really are wonderful! You do have fabulous friends and neighbors there.

