Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Physical therapy/home assessment

Today in therapy, we did a lot of work on legs and upper body. By the time we went to the parallel bars, I had already done about an hour of foot biking, worked with arm weights and legs lifts with a two pound weight attached to the left ankle. My right leg continues to lag the left, so we also concentrated on exercises in the right leg to work specific muscles.

When we moved to the parallel bars, I was almost too exhausted to stand. it did take three tries for me to stand out of the chair. I was finally able to stand and to take six steps. They were well executed with more control than I had exhibited before. Manny was pleased and so was I. They were positive steps.

The home assessment is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 1:30. Rick will pick me up in our car, four of the therapists (Manny, Deb, Rachel and Stephanie) will determine if the house is ready to meet my needs.

I have not been home since May 22. It will be wonderful to be there again, even if for a short time. .


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope all goes very well with the home visit. I've enjoyed seeing the pictures of your home. The porch is awesome and the yard looks so peaceful & tranquil.

Take care,