Thursday, June 26, 2008

A cavalcade of ID badges

Over the years working in the Ascension Health facilities, many hospitals would issue us ID badges. Since we often would have return visits it was easier to hold onto them and not get a new one every time. Over the course of 29 years I had quite a collection. I decided to put them on the bulletin board in my office in St. Louis. Most of them are standard ID badges, some from hospitals that are no longer part of Ascension Health.

(Click the photo for a larger image,)

Many have photos that are absolutely horrible images of me. A couple bear mentioning. There are two badges from St. Mary’s Milwaukee because on the first badge the word Information was spelled wrong. On one of my badges from St. Thomas in Nashville – a blue engraved one – they wanted our titles. At the time my title was principal consultant and I told them, “principal with a P A L” to be sure it was spelled properly. Lo and behold the next day my badge arrived and is says Barry Whiteley, PAL, Hospital Information Systems. They did redo it but I still have that one. One of the badges was an access badge to the Advanced Development Center for CGE&Y in Chicago. This is where the OmniBuyer implementations were developed. It is quite possibly the worst photo ever taken. All of us look like munchkins on our photo badges.

On my last ISD badge, the photo was a reasonable likeness but the coloring was off and I always looked like I had a bad case of jaundice.

My current Ascension Health badge actually has the best ID photo ever taken of me. Thank you, Alicia.

A number of my Daughters of Charity service pins are also on the board. These pins were issued every five years.

My original ID did not have a photo on it. But if it had, it would have been the following picture because sometimes that’s how long I feel I have been with the organization.


Anonymous said...

Barry, what an accomplishment and what a previledge you had to work for 'all' the Health Care Ministries listed on your ID badges. I'm so glad someone took a picture of them and of you. I, also, love the picture of when you were a small boy. It put a smile on my face this Friday morning. You are such a wonderful, caring, and loving person. I love reading your blog. It is very entertaining. Work hard today, so we will get a good report of your progress. Gayle

Anonymous said...

Hey Barry,

Can I ask you for some "Informantion"? LOL I cannot stop laughing. Too funny. It will be my new word of the day... Love ya, Steve C.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Barry - It's interesting to see how we change over time isn't it? I loved seeing your school picture. It brought back lots of memories of our school years. Especially walking all the way up the top of the street to get our bus, which back in those days, we thought took forever. Do you remember all the school pictures of us that use to be stuffed in the buffet drawer in the dining room? Surprisingly enough, when I started having children of my own. I too had a buffet drawer with all my girls' pictures in it. At least for the ones that I didn't hang up anyway. It's funny how time changes us (appearance wise) but doesn't change what we do or how we do things according to what we were taught or have seen. Think about it. Love you, Tina

Anonymous said...

Barry, what a great collection. I remember those ISD IDs where we looked like we had jaundice. I remember too having our pictures taken another time in Evansville, a white wall as the backdrop, then coming home from that trip and finding out that the pictures they had taken of everybody could not be found. They told us they would have to be retaken. Lucky for me, I would not be back in Evansville for some time. You know how much I LOVE to have my picture taken. For the longest time on the ISD address/photo book we had a picture goes here notice. LOL!
Your childhood picture is adorable . . . what a great photo! As always, the folks at Saint Thomas had it right. You are a P A L to everyone. :-)



Anonymous said...

Barry, I am always late reading the comments. You inspired me to share my ID badge stories. My ID badge for Howard County Public Schools was not the most flattering. The school system had invested lots of money into the new security plan. They were supposed to stop anyone not wearing a picture ID. I covered my photo with a cartoon of a slender blond woman, and in three years' time no one ever questioned that I was NOT the cartoon woman portrayed.

I had been debating changing jobs, and when my ID badge accidentally fell in the toilet when I leaned over to flush, I felt like some cosmic decision had been made for me.

Thanks for the memories of your wonderful "Tie" birthday party. That was a fun night! I have not seen such a horrible collection of ties since......

So glad you got to go home! The whole point of being in Paradise is recognizing when you are there. Hope you are soon home again with Rick, Margo and Simon gazing at your beautiful gardens. Have a Happy 4th of July!