Thursday, June 19, 2008

A message from Rick

Barry is correct. We will make the most of each day. A wheelchair ramp is being planned for easy access to the house. It will be built in the back garden area. We think that is an appropriate location so Barry can enjoy the garden as he enters and exits the house. Also, it will provide him the opportunity to make certain I am keeping the garden in shape!

I had a nice visit with Barry's mom and sister Chris. I understand where Barry gets his strength and courage. I am so proud of Barry's determination to gain as much mobility and independence as possible. He takes his PT seriously and I know he will reach his maximum medical improvement soon.

Each one of you has been a Godsend with your prayers and good wishes. Barry is truly blessed to have you in his life.



Anonymous said...

I am glad to have the opportunity to read Barry's journal and learn about him through his stories and insights. I think Barry is showing a great deal of courage and determination also. I also think it is great to have had all the dog visits. Rick you should get a " work out" in the Garden. I will stay posted , Best to both of you, Julie Malmstrom

Anonymous said...

Rick, Barry is truly lucky to have someone like you in his life! I pray for strength for you as well as him...and MANY blessings in the days ahead for you both! Robin Barr

Anonymous said...

Barry, I'm sure you don't remember me, but I've been on MS/4 calls with Ann here in Mobile and met you years ago when you were here. I have enjoyed reading your journal and wish you all the best - I saw this article on MSN today and immediately thought of you. We 'greens' know that new and exciting discoveries are being made everyday...>1=31036

Karen Wilson
Providence, Mobile

Anonymous said...

Hey Care Bear - I talked to you this AM, but wanted to tell you that I am so glad your family is down visiting - there is nothing like "kin" to provide good medicine for the soul. I like what you said in an earlier post - "you had not given up..". Also there was a posting about your analyizing things, sooo true, and you have so many recources at your disposal. You have touched so many lives, they are all lifting you up. That alone will have a significant impact in your well-being. It also sounds like all the dog visits are going good, Ben and I will bring over Colby and Mojo... Time for some more BIG dogs to visit, hopefully they won't scare anyone. LOL - Love to you and Rick always, Steve C.