Monday, June 23, 2008

Local oddities

Each city has it's own quirks and oddities. Baltimore has more than it's share, I'm sure. One I remember very clearly was in the Hess Shoe Store located in Edmondson Village. Most shoe store windows would feature shoes, of course. Not so here. Instead of shoes, live monkeys were featured. Of course, what child didn't want to go to THAT store for shoes. We'd stand there and watch them swing and play all over that window

Any oddities where you live?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any oddities where I live!?
It's Baltimore for god's sake! Worse, Dundalk!

But about Hess Shoes - do you remember having to step down into the xray machine to have your feet - what? Measured? We thought it was fun at the time.

I always felt sorry for the monkeys.