It seems appropriate to put this note on the blog just after the pictures of the garden have been posted. Grandmother Cronise had a garden sign in her garden near what we always called the "Ice Plant". I have no clue what that plant really was. Mom had one in her garden in the roses. There was one at our church at the entrance to what used to be a formal garden that became a Meditation Garden and where Easter Sunrise services would be held. I never seemed to find the perfect one for our garden. This past year, I was working on a project at Providence Hospital in Washington, D.C. I was able to get together with two of my dear friends in Baltimore, Jim, our blogmaster and Connie from my church in Baltimore. My 50th birthday was this past year and we decided to celebrate. We went to the Inner Harbor for dinner then went to see a Baltimore Christmas tradition, the Christmas lights on one block of row homes in Hampden. Each home on the block is covered roof to sidewalk with lights, extensive decorations and music fills the streets. Afterwards, we stopped at Connie's house for dessert. Connie gave me a package and I opened it up. It was the garden sign. I was so moved, I literally broke down into tears. I didn't realize I must have mentioned to Connie I couldn't find one I wanted. Before anyone asks, I'm ashamed to say it never occurred to me to look on the web. Duh. Jim remarked to Connie, "I think he likes it". The sign is in the back garden by the stone wall that Rick and I actually helped build. Whenever I see the sign, I think of Grandmother, Mom, our church and now Connie. The sign reads:
The kiss of the sun for pardon
The song of the birds for mirth
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth
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